Monday, March 9, 2009

Hi, Welcome to my Blog

Hi, I'd just like to introduce myself and tell you a little about me, where I'm from and how I got to this blog.

I'm Tony Marriott founder of the Online Income Club.Last year I worked in the UK for a major US IT company. I was a senior manager responsible for delivering IT supports services to blue chip companies across the UK. I managed a 120 man team of engineers and mangers. I worked 18 hour days and most weekends. My wife rarely had any 'quality time' with me as my entire focus was for 'the company' and earning enough money to have 4 weeks a year on holiday in Greece (our favourite holiday destination).

I had always had a vision of earning enough money and enough pension to be able to live Greece once I had retired.

Recent economics in the UK like dropping house prices and dropping pound value combined with European house prices rising sharply and the strong Euro it was looking less and less likely that my get my dream. So, cutting a long story short, last year I decided to bite the bullet and make a new life in Greece. I didn't do this without a plan of course, after my time as a senior IT manger one thing I can do well is plan. Believe me, if there is any one thing I would like to teach anyone to do, then it is to 'do NOTHING without a plan'. Even a bad plan is better than no plan at all. Bad plans can always be changed to good plans. With no plans you are dead in the water.

I seem to have sidetracked here a little but we will come back to this point shortly!

So my plan.. was to leave my UK well paid job, move to Greece, get a new job, get a new house and live happily ever after. As part the plan I took some time-out and went to Greece with my wife to look at possible new homes and employment. I did, of course, do my homework first and made many local, contact via the web. That two weeks in Greece made the difference between success and failure. Holidays are a luxury and life is ideal. Real life just ain't like that. We came out to Greece in the winter and without going into too much detail - my eyes were opened.

It was clear that getting a job in Greece with enough money to live here was unrealistic. Language, my age, nationality, culture and just about everything else was against me. The European Union is not the big loving club it supposed to be!

Anyway, I said I would come back to the point on having a plan. All good plans have options and alternatives and most importantly a back out plan. I can assure you mine had all these. So I moved directly to my first back up option for making a living, the internet. I researched everything I could (although it's easy to go astray with all the information there is and it's easy to lose a lot of money paying for the wrong information. Anyway, from my research I drew up ANOTHER plan which looked like a great way to earn enough money to allow me to move to, and live in Greece without having to find a job.

Again I will cut to the chase. Following my plan and using a basic planning strategy (Plan, test, analyse results, modify the plan based on the analysis, re-test and keep following this cycle until it works - it ain't rocket science but does need structure and focus) I managed to create an online business that now gives me what I need. I'm not rich and I am not looking to be rich. I worked for 38 years trying get rich but all I need now is enough to live on and maintain my new life in Greece (that includes my beachfront appartment of course!) , no stress and to enjoy my wife and family for many years to come. You can checkout my wife Debbie's blog at where you can get an idea of the challanges we faced, our journey from the UK and the way we now live our life. There are some pics and videos too!

I know there must be a lot of people in my position, or with my outlook on life and I also know the current state of the UK and US economies are likely to make a lot of people re-look at their working lives. The dog-eat-dog environment is not one I want to be part of any more. So with this in mind I decided to start The Online Income Club. In my efforts to get to where I am today I spent a lot of money and time, that I could well have done better things with, trying to generate my online income. I think I am now in a position to help others looking to go down a similar path. Whether you want to earn a living, or get rich, if you want to work from home in the UK, USA or any country of your choice the fundamentals of online trading and marketing are exactly the same.

I also managed to accrue a significant amount of collateral on my internet journey and I am happy to share these with anyone who has an interest.

To make all this work I have created a website it is a free membership site where I will give away all the previously aforementioned collateral. I have also reviewed a large number of business opportunities that are currently being sold so I can give you some good insight into the value etc. of these.

There are significant amounts of free stuff on the net, some rubbish, some bogus and some useful. I sift through these to give you the best offers so you don't have to waste your time with the rubbish. I also give you the low down on the outright scams and other rubbish you need to keep at 'bargepole' length.

Hopefully all this will help a few other people towards realising their dreams as I did. Of course running this blog and the web site takes a chunk of my time, and a few quid in hosting etc. I would love to say I was in the position of Bill Gates and be able to give it all up and dedicate my life to helping other but unfortunately I'm not. I never ask for any money for club membership or to get access to any of it's resources. It is and always will be ABSOLUTELY FREE so anyone can join and use all it's facilities and it need never cost them one penny. I do, however, allow some adverts on the site but I review everything first and will not allow anything on the site that looks even remotely suspect and I insist on a minimum criteria of 'no questions asked money back guarantee' or it 'don't get in the door'. So there is absolutely no risk with any product on the club website, if you decide to try any.

As I said before though, the whole of the clubs resources are free and they will be continually updated. So please use the link above and take a look at the site. If you have any interest in making money online I promise there will be useful things for you here. I am also starting to create video tutorials which will all be made available very soon.

So I hope to see you over at the Online Income Club website soon. I will keep everyone updated on the progress via this blog.

Catch you on the next update - Tony Marriott

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